Wednesday, 5 June 2019
Registration – Hotel Regina Isabella, Piazza Santa Restituta, 1 – Lacco Ameno, Ischia
Plenary Session – Sala Azzurra
Opening Ceremony
8.40 – 9.00
Opening Ceremony –Cristina Mele – University of Naples ‘Federico II’ and Francesco Polese – University of Salerno
9.00 – 9.45
Stephen Vargo, University of Hawaii – ‘Service Dominant logic. An update’
9.45 – 10.30
Jim Spohrer, Director of Cognitive Opentech Group (COG), IBM Almaden Research Centre – ‘Solving Service Science’
10.30 – 11.00
Coffee break
11.00 – 12.00
Parallel Sessions
Sala Azzurra
Sala Pinetina
Sala Agrumi
Sala Regina
Institutions and Co-creation
Service ecosystems
Higher Education
Value co-creation
Chair: Larissa Braz Becker
Chair: Christoph Breidbach
Chair: Montserrat Diaz Mendez
Chair: Rainer Schmidt
Braz Becker, Jaakkola, Vargo Customers’ responses to institutional complexity in the determination of value
Warg, Zolnowski, Frosch, Weiss From Product Organization to Platform Organization – Observations of Organizational Development in the Insurance Industry
Diaz-Mendez, Saren, Zamora-Ramos Higher Education student complaint behavior from the perspective of the Service- Dominant logic
Seino, Jiang, Muramatu, Ohyabu, Zhang Value co-creation model in the manufacturing industry
Macdonald, Kelleher, Wilson Value co-creation in collective consumption contexts: integrating practice and experience perspectives
Fischer Sustainability and DIY as emerging factors for online service offers
Hasenknopf Coaching as central element of a new Didactics of Higher Education
Schmidt, Dacko, Keller, Möhring, Zimmermann Categorizing Value Co-Creation in Service Systems using the Meta-Service Construct
Tierney, Karpen, Westberg The influence of service employee institutional work on consumer brand-related practices and brand meaning cocreation
Tana, Breidbach, Turpin Cryptocurrencies and Service Ecosystem Transformation
Zagel, Grimm Using Modular Method Cards for Competency-Oriented Teaching in Academia
Amitrano, Bifulco Changing role of suppliers-customers and smart technologies: a systematic review on energy management
12.00 – 13.00
Parallel Sessions
Sala Azzurra
Sala Pinetina
Sala Agrumi
Sala Regina
Service ecosystems
Health and wellbeing
Service and Technologies
Value proposition
Chair: Wojtek Cellary
Chair: Daniela Sangiorgi
Chair: Charles Hofacker
Chair: Marco Ferretti
Trischler, Johnson, Kristensson How the service ecosystems lens supports valuable user innovations
Spurrell, Araujo, Proudlove Five Principles to Support Value Based Healthcare
Nuutinen, Valkokar, Malmelin, Nyblom Beyond Industry 4.0 – seeking for the philosopher's stone
Sorrentino, Del Chiappa, Ferretti, Risitano The value of perceived servicescape in the leisure cruise experience
Barile, Piciocchi, Saviano, Bassano, Pietronudo, Spohrer Towards a new logic of value co- creation in the digital age: Doing more and agreeing less
Chen, Dodds, Finsterwalder, Witell, Falter, Garry, Cheung, Snyder, McColl- Kennedy Psychological Ownership and Co-created Wellbeing
Carotenuto, Ng The perception of value and worth of personal data: a HAT case study
Del Vecchio, Gargiulo, Bifulco An omnichannel approach for value proposition
Cellary, Freund, Kwan, Leitner, Spohrer Advanced Technologies Impact on Service Innovation: A Human-Side of Service Engineering Perspective
Sangiorgi, Carrera, Lucchi Co-Designing Innovation Labs For Service Ecosystem Change – The case of mental Healthcare Co-Labs
Holmqvist, Alcalá, Bouvier Towards an Understanding of Value in the Servicescape
Nussipova The evolution of emerging technologies’ value propositions: the case of AR/VR |
13.00 – 14.00
13.00 – 14.00
Poster session
Ponsignon, Holmqvist – Experiential value-in-use: The case of Cognac Ojuri, Pryke, Mills – Don’t make value co-creation ambiguous, social networks simplify it Ketonen-Oksi – Exploring the importance of value cocreation as a means to develop corporate futures orientation
14.00 – 15.00
Parallel Sessions
Sala Azzurra
Sala Pinetina
Sala Agrumi
Sala Regina
Market shaping Practices
Value in use
Service Ecosystems and Design
Higher Education
Chair: Suvi Nenonen
Chair: Michael Kleinaltenkamp
Chair: Sven Laudien
Chair: Montserrat Diaz-Mendez
Gosling, Richard Market Practices: Insights into Market Evolution and Market Actor Motivation to Conform
Prohl, Kleinaltenkamp Value-in-use Management Measures and Effects in Solution Business
Laudien, Clauss, Fibitz Understanding the Linkage Between (Mass) Customization And Value Architecture Design
Chauhan Future of University: A Service Science Perspective
Fehrer, Alexander, Conduit, Jaakkola, Plewa Actor Engagement Practices in Market Shaping
Sahhar, Henseler, Loohuis How Service Providers Manage the Customer’s Service Value Experience throughout the Customer Journey: A Multiple Ethnographic Study
Mason, Ciani, De Nisco, Napolitano, Oduro A Segmentation Approach to Country Image. A study on Perception of Italy across seven Emerging Market
Diaz-Mendez, Paredes-Escobar, Quero-Gervilla Value co- creation in education: analyzing students’ and teachers’ role in the higher education ecosystem through a Service-Dominant Logic approach
Russo Spena, Mele, Pels, Carotenuto Market Innovation through Blockchain
Hartwig, Jacob Offering value-in-use: what can a marketer do? A case study research in the field of mobility services
Korper, Holmlid, Patrício Change in meaning and service innovation: a design research contribution to the S-D logic
Gardner Leader Recruiting and the T-model
15.00 – 16.00
Parallel Sessions
Sala Azzurra
Sala Pinetina
Sala Agrumi
Sala Regina
Service ecosystems & Design
Institutions and Co-creation
University and Innovation
Value Co-creation and Co-destruction
Chair: Debora Sarno
Chair: Jim Röndell
Chair: Maria Josè Quero-Gervilla
Chair: Dooren Pick
Razmdoost, Alinaghian Temporal Nature of Value Cocreation: Institutional Work and Resource Reconfiguration
Quero-Guervilla, Díaz- Méndez, Gummesson Co- Patenting And Co-Ownership As Drivers For University Business Innovating The case of public universities in Spain
Pick (Co-)Destruction of value in the bike-sharing industry – Phenomenon and implications for sharing services
Tossavainen, Luojus Service Logics and Service Design Intertwine in the New Management Competences
Taillard, Muniz, Schau Co- creation as Institutional Work at Lego
Angrisani The Social Side of Innovation In The Case of an “Engaged” University Hub
Shukla, Singh Value Co-creation and Co-destruction in Buyer-Seller Relationships in BOP Service Ecosystems
Koskela-Huotari, Vink Social Structures As Design Materials: The Iceberg Framework Of Service Ecosystem Design
Röndell, Ekman, Jonas, Maglio, Reynolds Value co- creation through resource integration: The Role of the ‘Institutional Solution Space’
Greco, Tregua, Mele University-Based Accelerators For Start-Up And Their Impact On The Ecosystem
Möhring, Dacko, Gehrig, Keller, Lutz, Schmidt, Winkler Reducing value co-destruction in Tourism. An exploration of consumer strategies to detect fake online service reviews
16.00 – 16.30
Coffee Break
16.30 – 17.30
Special session (16.30 – 18.00)
Parallel Sessions
Sala Azzurra
Sala Pinetina
Sala Agrumi
Sala Regina
The Future of Health
Service and Technologies
Customer Value
Methodological Challenges in Service Research
Chair: Janet McColl Kennedy
Chair: Orlando Troisi
Chair: Luigi Servadio
Chair: Marialuisa Saviano
Reflections by: Janet McColl Kennedy, Cristina Mele, Daniela Sangiorgi, Mark Spurrel, Roberta Massi, Maurizio Venturi, Antonio Greco
Rai Viable Structures for IT Service Operations Management
Morioka Customer Experiential Value: Its Antecedents and Outcomes
Panetti, Ferretti, Parmentola, Sabetta Network structure in an Innovation Ecosystems in service industries. Evidence from the South of Italy
Abel, Satterfiled Stigma and Motivation: Using the Divergency Model To Identify Perceived Risk Versus Conformity In Ux Research
Servadio, Mickelsson Dynamic Customer Ecosystems: A Ritual Perspective
Saviano, Cosimato, Zanda Co-creating Inter- and Transdisciplinary Knowledge for Sustainability: First Insights for the Cosmetic Industry from a Service & Systems View
Hajinejad, Gauser, Giegler, Koehler Mor(e)ph: embodying business key figures in a data sculpture
Akaka, Schau The Role of Global Institutions in Service Ecosystems: Servicescapes as Structures of Common Difference
Formisano, Moretta Tartaglione, Fedele, Cavacece Service, network, systems and complexity theories in banking management research: bibliometric study
Dinner, Hotel Regina Isabella, Lacco Ameno