Call for Paper
We invite proposals dealing with themes within one or several of the 3 Forum Pillars: S-D logic, Service Science, and Network/Systems theory. We especially encourage submissions with an integrative perspective. The proposals could be theoretical and/or empirical and based on qualitative and/or quantitative research. In order to submit an abstract, directions are given at the web page. Abstracts must be structured and follow the format of Emerald journal abstracts. Topics could include the following:
– Business models to manage networks and service systems – Systems Theory, Complexity theory and emergence
– Experience, value-in-use and value-in-context
– Industry 4.0 and digital transformation
– Service Innovation
– Institutional logics in service research
– Integration and management of resources and capabilities
– Methodological challenges and issues in service research
– Multi-disciplinary approaches in service research
– Practice-theory in service research
– Service ecosystems and markets dynamics
– Emergence and Institutionalization in Service Eco-systems
– Service systems and systems thinking
– The Human-Side of Service Engineering
– The Viable Systems Approach (VSA)
– Value co-creation and the changing role of suppliers and customers
– Value propositions
– Artificial intelligence and the human machine service interaction
– Shaping systemic markets – elements, processes and outcomes
– Actor engagement and market-shaping
– The role of media, technology, and professions in shaping markets
– Service-Dominant logic as a grand theory
– Sales Transformation and Smart Technologies
IMPORTANT: These and possible other subthemes must have a clear connection to one or several of the 3 Forum Pillars.
A purpose of the Naples Forum is to get different generations of researchers together both at the organized sessions and informally during breaks and social events. In the final selection of submissions, both senior researchers and newcomers will be given a chance to present. There will be plenary sessions as well as parallel sessions.
Doctoral Workshop Call for applications
Entry into the doctoral workshop is competitive, and places will be limited to 20 students. If you would like to participate in the workshop, please submit an application containing:
– Research proposal summarizing your PhD project (max 1500 words, excluding references)
– Brief motivation letter explaining how you would contribute to the workshop, and how the workshop fits your research interests
– Short academic CV
The application should be sent by 8 June 2021 via email to all the co-chairs (see addresses below), using the subject line ‘NFS 2021 doctoral workshop’. Submitters will be informed whether they have been accepted for the workshop by March 10, 2021.