Evert Gummesson Outstanding Research Award – 2013

Dr. Jim Spohrer, Director IBM Global University Programs

For his outstanding and persistent work to transform computer science to customer-oriented service science through the integration of IBM practice and academic research and theory.

Jim Spohrer has been the Director of IBM Global University Programs since 2009. Between 2003 and 2009, he was the Director of Almaden Services Research with IBM at the IBM Almaden Research Center. He was a driving advocate of the Service Science, Management and Engineering initiative across companies, governments and academics. Jim's research group received IBM awards for modeling customers and mapping global service systems including performance measures, costing and pricing of complex, inter-organizational service projects, analytics and information service innovations, process improvement methods, and innovation foresight methods, amongst others.

Professor Enzo Rullani, Venice International

For his inspiring contribution to the development of service innovation research within academia and business.

Enzo Rullani, dirige il T-Lab- Laboratorio del Terziario che innova di CFMT e insegna Economia della Conoscenza presso la Venice International University. Nella sua attività di ricerca si è occupato di terziario innovativo, contribuendo alla realizzazione dei volumi della collana CFMT. Ha inoltre lavorato nel campo delle piccole imprese, dei distretti industriali e delle tecnologie ICT.