QR 2023


Tuesday, 6 June 2023

6.00 pm

Registration – Auditorium

7.00 pm

Welcome aperitif – Auditorium Terrace

Wednesday, 7 June 2023

8.00-8.45 am

Welcome and Registration – Auditorium Oscar Niemeyer

Plenary Session Auditorium

8.45-9.15 am

Opening Ceremony – A Tribute to Evert Gummesson

Cristina Mele – University of Naples ‘Federico II’ and Francesco Polese University of Salerno

9.15-10.00 am

Service-Dominant Logic: foundations and new research avenues

Stephen L. Vargo, University of Oklahoma

10.00-10.30 am


Parallel sessions

10.30-11.30 am


Press Room

Dressing Room

Session n. 1

Market shaping (1)

Chair: Kaj Storbacka

Session n. 2

Actor engagement (1)

Chair: Orlando Troisi

Session n. 3

Service ecosystems and markets dynamics (1)

Chair: Lorena Blasco-Arcas

Peters L., Nenonen S., and Pels J.

Absence as an Enabler of Market-Shaping Visions

De Matos M. A., Patricio L., and Grenha Teixeira J.

An integrated framework for understanding citizen engagement with sustainable transitions

Gidhagen M. and Sörhammar D.

Service ecosystem resilience to disruptive collective engagement


Kaartemo V., Wieland H., and Flaig A.

Market shaping as a dance of agency


Gudergan S., Mursalin J., and Chen T.

Customer engagement orientation: Managing customer resources and firm performance in times of turbulence

Shoji M., Taguchi T., and Inoue T.

Investigation on Service Ecosystem Structure: Actions of Industry Associations in Japan

Helmer J., Hawa J., and Plewa C.

Digital technology as market-shaper: A typology of digital technology roles for shaping markets

Liewendahl H. and Helkkula A.

Employee need satisfaction patterns impact their motivation to align with the organization’s value propositions

Frizzo M., Maggioni I., and Corsaro D.

Exploring the Concept of Antifragile Service Ecosystem

11.30 am

12.50 pm

Session n. 4

AI and service

Chair: Valtteri Kaartemo

Session n. 5

Phygital Customer Journey and Metaverses

Chair: Charles Hofacker

Session n. 6

Emergence and Institutionalization in Service Eco-Systems (1)

Chair: Bård Tronvoll

Zimmermann A., Schmidt R., and Alt R.

Architecting Intelligent Service Ecosystems

Suh J., Suh T., and Jeon C.

Cases of Metaverse Platform as a Service Innovation: A Service-dominant Logic’s Perspective

Sarno D., Pasquinelli C., and Mandiello A. Brand meanings institutionalization in festival service ecosystems: the transformation of Giffoni brand

Mele C., Mangia G., Ranieri A., Russo Spena T., and Sergianni C.

Dear citizen, let’s have a conversation through chatbots

Gustafsson A. and Paas A. C.

Service experiences in the phygital arena

Braathen P. and Tronvoll B.

Emerging and self-organizing service eco-systems

Findsrud R., Sörhammar D., and Brathen P.

Race with the machines: a service ecosystems perspective

Saviano M., Perillo C., and Di Carluccio N.

The imposed digital innovation of ‘service’ pharmacy in Italy: towards phygital market relationships?

Koskela-Huotari K., Kjellberg H., and Nenonen S.

Market Emergence: Theoretical and Methodological Considerations

Di Bernardo I., Marzullo M., Russo S. P.,

Mele C., and Russo Spena T.

Social robots to foster vulnerable actors’ well-being

Klaus P., Manthiou A., Tarquini-Poli A., and Luong V.

Value co-creation in the Metaverse: The case of Digital Fashion

Winklhofer H., Temerak M. S., and Ramadan N.

Service system design changes and its unintended consequences

12.50-1.50 pm


Parallel sessions

1.50-2.50 pm


Press Room

Dressing Room

Session n. 7

Market shaping (2)

Chair: Jonathan Baker

Session n. 8

Actor engagement (2)

Chair: Maria Colurcio

Session n. 9

Industry 4.0 and digital transformation

Chair: Luca Carrubbo

Baker J., Suvi Nenonen S., and Fehrer J.

Shaping ‘for’ and ‘against’: Contesting the plant-based alt-proteins market

Colurcio M., Vigolo V., and Edvardsson B.

Shaping cities through services: toward an urban service ecosystem for aging consumers

Cosimato S., Vona R., Carrubbo L. and Di Bernardo I.

Smartness, resilience, and urban management: implications for smart cities

Jacob F. and Bulawa N.

Should the wheel be reinvented? Market-referencing in the electric vehicle infrastructure market

Schaefer A., von dem Berge K., and Zimmermann A.

The role of personalized interventions and a supportive ecosystem for maintaining a healthy lifestyle

Iodice G., Greco F., Clemente L., Carignani F., and Bifulco F.

Cultural Startups and Phygital approach

Hartman A., Venkatraman R., and Coslor E.

The category work of consumer critics:how online reviews discursively (re)produce the whisky field

Taguchi T., Ohyabu A., and Shoji M.

Third-Party Engagement Cycle in UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Sites Conservation initiatives

Visvizi A., Troisi O., Grimaldi M., and Megaro A.

Rethinking ecosystems through data-driven services: toward service-driven transformation

2.50-3.20 pm


Plenary Session Auditorium

3.20-4.20 pm

A Conversation on the Future of Learning with Generative AI


-  Tiziana Russo Spena, University of Naples Federico II

-  Cristina Mele, University of Naples Federico II


-  Gaby Oderkeken, Maastricht University

-  Kristina Heinonen, Hanken School of Economics

-  Valtteri Kartemo, Turku Institute for Advanced Studies

-  Paola Liberace, Digital civil servant

Parallel sessions

4.20-5.20 pm


Press Room

Dressing Room

Session n. 10

Service education

Chair: Heiko Wieland

Session n. 11

Circular Economy and value co-creation

Chair: Juerg Meierhofer

Session n. 12

Experience, value-in-use, and value-in-context (1)

Chair: Antonietta Megaro

Brady M., Leferve D., and Fellenz M.

Mapping the potential impacts of artificial intelligence and machine learning on the business education system

Sergianni L., Sergianni C., and Tregua M.

Circular value creation logics: insights from 100 champions

Kuuru T. K.

Managing customer experience in human touch services: An embodied approach

Mele C., Russo Spena T., Di Bernardo I., and Ranieri A.

Nudging student engagement with robots

Vien B. R., Tronvoll B., and Findsrud R.

Digital servitization: decreasing usage of natural resources in service ecosystems

Testa M., Grimaldi M., Apuzzo A., and Troisi O.

The role of emotions in training management: a state of the science review

Loebler H. and Grimm Y.

The success of homeschooling from a service eco systems perspective

Meierhofer J. and Weisskopf S.

Service Value Creation for Circular Economy

Rainer S., Dacko S., Möhring M., and Keller B.

Customer Sentiments during Product – Service Transitions

6.30 pm

IMPROV THEATER SHOW by Coffee Brecht - Auditorium


Aperitif – Auditorium Terrace

Thursday, 8 June 2023

Plenary Session Auditorium

8.45-9.25 am

Systems Perspectives in Marketing


-  Kaisa Koskela-Huotari, Stockholm School of Economics

-  Helge Loebler, University of Leipzig

-  Francesco Polese, University of Salerno

-  Debora Sarno, University of Naples Parthenope

-  Stephen L. Vargo, University of Oklahoma

Parallel sessions


9.25-10.45 am


Press Room

Dressing Room

Session n. 13

Service Dominant logic

Chair: Julia Fehrer

Session n. 14

Value co-creation, value propositions, and strategies

Chair: Marialuisa Marzullo

Session n. 15

Service systems and systems thinking

Chair: David Sörhammar

Siltaloppi J., Vargo S. L., Chandler J., Sörhammar D., and Tronvoll B.

Beyond the dyad: a generalized triadic model for service research

Hogg J.

CSR-washing as negative value co-creation and its impact on the beneficiary, third-party actors, and the service ecosystem

Rosendahl O. and Roth S.

Extending the sociology of service-dominant logic with self-referentiality

Brodie R., Brodie R., Nicolson J., and Fehrer J.

S-D Logic: Exploring its role in providing a central focus for the marketing and service disciplines

Greco F., Russo Spena T., and Tregua M.

Emerging strategies in start-up ecosystems: an effectuation perspective in food delivery business

Siltaloppi J. and Sörhammar D.

Integrating resilience with the service ecosystems perspective

Loebler H.

The Service of Civil Resistance – A Service Dominant Perspective

Meglio O. and Colurcio M.

Value co-creation in entrepreneurial strategies: Towards an integrative framework

Walletzky L., Svítek M., Schwarzová Z., Carrubbo L., and Kozhevnikov S.

Reflections of service approach in Smart City Domain

Ekman P., Röndell J., Erixon C., Anastasiadou, E., and Thompson S.

A S-D Logic Understanding of what Constitutes a Business Case: from Dyadic Delivery of Value as Outputs to Co-created Value as Service Ecosystem Outcomes'

Liewendahl H., Heinonen K., and Pura M.

Value Proposition Design through Bottom-up Strategizing: The case of loosely connected Service Eco-systems

Saviano M., Perillo C., Telesca M.,

Carretta A., and Di Carluccio N.

The relevance of shared decision-making and actor engagement for the economic sustainability of healthcare service: insights from the experience of an Italian Local Authority

10.45-11.15 am


Plenary Session Auditorium

11.15 am

12.15 pm

Evert Gummesson, a pioneer in Service Research



- Kristina Heinonen, Hanken School of Economics (chair)

- Bo Edvardsson Karlstad University

- Kaj Storbacka, Hanken School of Economics

- Anu Helkkula, Hanken School of Economics

- Ray Fisk (video), Texas State University

- Christian Grönroos (video), Hanken School of Economics

Parallel sessions

12.15-1.15 pm


Press Room

Dressing Room

Session n. 16

Experience, value-in-use, and value-in-context (2)

Chair: Anu Helkkula

Session n. 17

Sustainability Transitions

Chair: Debora Sarno

Session n. 18

Emergence and Institutionalization in Service Ecosystems (2)

Chair: Maria Quero

Helkkula A. and Arnould E.

Collective “we” actor experience for reversing ecosystemic impoverishment

Caridà A. and Colurcio M.

Transformative service ecosystem: a dream or a feasible model for tomorrow's society?

Khalil F.

The Challenging Emergence of Digital Platform Ecosystems in Health Care

Hanssen M., Sörhammar D., and Tronvoll B.

Value-in-Recycling: A service ecosystems approach

Trischler J., Svensson P., and Kuusisto J.

On the inclusion of citizens in sustainability transitions: A theory synthesis

Quero M. J., Shneor R.,

and Diaz-Méndez M.

The multiplicative effects of engaged actors towards emergence in crowdfunding ecosystems

Warg M.

Science, Logic and Architecture Perspectives on Organizational Learning: observations based on the onpier Mobility Platform

Pura M., Valsta S., and Rinta-Jouppi L.

Sustainable Business Model Simulation – Are you mature enough to play seriously?

Bisceglia F., Di Pietro L., and Sebhatu S. P.

Transformative Change in a Sustainable Service Ecosystem The case of Albergo Diffuso

1.15-2.15 pm


Plenary Session Auditorium

2.15-2.45 pm

Knowledge Management & Service

Manlio Del Giudice, Link Campus University

Parallel sessions

2.45-4.05 pm


Press Room

Dressing Room

Session n. 19

Transitions towards Circular Economy

Chair: Bo Enquist

Session n. 20

Service innovation

Chair: Mara Grimaldi

Session n. 21

Service ecosystems and markets dynamics (2)

Chair: Masato Shoji

Sebhatu S. P. and Enquist B.

Enabling Sustainable Business Practice through Symbiosis & Circularity: Transformation to Regenerative Service ECO-system

Fehrer J., Böhmann T., and Krummrich M.

Navigating systemic innovation at the edge of cloud platform ecosystems

Russo Spena T., Russo S. P., and Mele C.

Circular Economy and Ecosystem perspective: the role of Institutions

Gallan A. and Alkire L.

What is Transformative Service Research? Differentiating from and Connecting with Related Concepts and Movements

Johanson M., Hultén P., and Bai W.

Open innovation, global market knowledge and performance in the digital era

Anzivino A., Nenonen S., and

Sebastiani R.

Designing Fourth Place: where sustainable service ecosystem exists


Edvardsson B., Jaakkola E., Witell L., Baker J., Fehrer J., Guglielmetti Mugion R., Karpen I., Kowalkowski C., Patricio L., and Tronvoll B.

Understanding transition towards a Sustainable Circular Economy through a service ecosystem lens

Luojus S. and Kauppinen S.

Value creation of enterprise in innovation ecosystems - The public service logic perspective

Shoji M., Soga H. and Shinohara T.

International Trade and Service Research: Service Ecosystem Perspective

Ebraico S. and Russo Spena T.

Unlocking new market practices through blockchain: a focus on healthcare ecosystem

Koskela-Huotari K. and Vink J.

Shaping Service Ecosystems: A Dialogue between Market Shaping and Service Ecosystem Design

4.05-4.30 pm


4.30- 5.30 pm


Press Room

Dressing Room

Session n. 22

AI and employment

Chair: Chatura Ranaweera

Session n. 23

Integration and management of resources and capabilities

Chair: Maria Francesca Renzi

Session n. 24

Experience, value-in-use, and value-in-context (3)

Chair: Lawrence F. Cunninghamo

Phillips C., Steins M., Mennens K., Odekerken-Schröder G., Mahr D.,

Russell-Bennett R., and Letheren K.

Employee job performance and well-being in service robot assisted elderly care

Samadilashkariani S., Sörhammar D., Nordin F., and Engström J.

Digital transformation in culture organizations: an institutional perspective

Paas A.-C. and Gustafsson A.

How do governmental services promote sustainability?

Ranaweera C., Leo C., Sok P., Karjaluoto H., and Chen S.

Frontline Service Employee Response to Technology Infusions: Effects on Employee Creativity and Service Performance

Bhatnagar K. and Arnould E.

Orchestrating Front-Line Employees’ Cultured Resources and Capabilities for Enhanced Value Co-Creation

Sorensson A., Cawthorn A., and Ghannad N.

Sustainable value creation through sharing and renting – lessons learn from the outdoor industry in Sweden

Marzullo M., Di Bernardo I., Russo S. P., Mele C. Russo Spena T., and Ranieri A.

Social robots to reduce caregivers' burden

Renzi M. F., Enquist B., Breitbarth T., Fisk R. P., Gulotta T. M., Sebhatu S. P., Tsiotsou R., and Ungaro V.

Sustainable Communities: A Collaborative Advantage Approach for the EU Energy Crisis

Zamora-Ramos M. R., Zúñiga-Espinosa N. A., Diaz-Mendez M., and Chamorro-Mera A.

The university entrepreneurship: towards sustainability through co-creation tools in Living Labs

7.45 pm

Gala Dinner – Hotel Rufolo

Friday, 9 June 2023

Plenary Session Auditorium

8.45-9.25 am

Exploring Multi-actor Engagement Management

Kaj Storbacka, Hanken School of Economics, and Suvi Nenonen, Stockholm School of Economics

Parallel sessions

9.25- 10.25 am


Press Room

Dressing Room

Session n. 25

Service ecosystems and markets dynamics (3)

Chair: Roberta Sebastiani

Session n. 26

Actor engagement (3)

Chair: Schmidt Rainer

Session n. 27

Service and Complexity

Chair: Irene di bernardo

As’ad N., Patricio L., and Koskela-Huotari K.

The Role of Contradictions in Service Ecosystem Transformation

Rainer S., Alt R., and Zimmermann A.

Identifying the structure of complex software platforms through user statements

Schild L. and Jensch J.

Complexity drivers of industrial service system offerings and their relation to efficiency and flexibility



Blasco-Arcas L., Heinonen K., and Lee H.-H.

Towards a conceptual model of inclusive service ecosystems

Arsenovic J., Otterbring T., and Bergkvist L.

Lean & Clean: Reconsidering the Use of Multi-Item Word-of-Mouth Measures in Service Recovery Research

Caputo F., Ebraico S., and Gagliardi A. R.

Depicting the role of blockchain technology within healthcare processes through a multiple-scenario representation

Anzivino A., Sebastiani R., and Svärd K.

Towards Sustainable Value Creation in the Beauty Service Ecosystem: Connecting Tensions and Systemic Sustainability Outcomes

Liang T., Souma T., and Zhang J.

The influence of C2C Communications in Sharers’ Customer Experience: Focusing on Saying-Is-Believing Effect in eWOM Context

Johanson M.

Service network strategy: the importance of nodes and horizons for business models in service networks



10.25-10.45 am


Parallel sessions

10.45- 11.45 am


Press Room

Dressing Room




Session n. 28

Actor engagement (4)

Chair: Mara Grimaldi

Session n. 29

Business models to manage networks and service systems

Chair: Daniela Corsaro

Session n. 30

Experience, value, and brand

Chair: Angelo Ranieri

Blasco-Arcas L., Azer J., and Alexander M.

What’s in an image? Understanding visual modality of engagement in digital service ecosystems

Malik R.

Knowledge flows in service industry, new insight from offshored service centers

Morioka K. and Chen Z.

Co-creation of brand value-in-context: The moderating effects of customer autonomy and co-creation contexts

Svärd K., Gottfridsson P., Camén C., and Bergkvist L.

Understanding Business Model Adaptation from a Service Ecosystem Perspective: A Longitudinal Multiple Case Study of New Ventures

Megaro A. and Sirianni C. A.

Analyzing Industry 5.0 paradigm in a Service-dominant logic perspective: focus on service innovation

O’ Cass A., Nabi N., and Siahtiri V.

Luxury service brands: Linking emotional brand attachment with social media engagement behavior

Hemilä J.

Sustainability and Digitalization in Manufacturing Industry Service Business

Kunz W., Liu R., Shaaban K., Yu S., Zhang J., and Zurawicki L.

Music as Service Consumption Experience – Drivers & service preferences based on an AI-based analysis

11.45 am

12.45 pm

Session n. 31

Constitution of Service Ecosystem

Chair: Michael Ehret

Session n. 32

Actor engagement (5)

Chair: Peter Ekman

Session n. 33

Actor engagement and technologies

Chair: Aron O’ Cass

Pels J.

Institutional Mismatches between Formal/Informal Markets in Emerging


Kanda M. and Hollebeek L.

Emergence of Engagement and Co-creation of Value in Service

Marticorena A. M. and Tostes M.

Actor embeddedness, actor engagement, and value-in-context in a cultural organization’s ecosystem

Mele C. and Russo Spena T.

Trust in Blockchain-enabled Service Ecosystems

Anastasiadou E., Ekman P., and

Röndell J.

Exploring Perceived Service Provider Roles in Business Actor Engagement


O’ Cass A., Siahtiri V., and Nabi N.

Luxury service brands: The role of social insecurity in the relationship between self-construal and social media engagement behaviour

Thalmann S. and Ehret M.

Data Governance and the constitution of autonomous mobility systems


Lehto S., Alexander M., and McLean G.

Exploring pre-purchase engagement in digital B2B settings


Baglieri E., Pan L.R.Y., and Croom S.

Servitization in the Luxury Industry: how luxury companies are redesigning their customer experience

Olaniyan R. and Ehret M.

The impact of mobile payment platform on retailers in emerging

Plenary Session Auditorium

12.45-1.15 pm

Future Challenges: Emerging Markets and Low-Resource Beneficiaries

Jaqueline Pels, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella

1.15-1.30 pm

Closing Session: Evert’s looking forward

Francesco Polese - University of Salerno, Cristina Mele - University of Naples ‘Federico II’, , Stephen L. Vargo, University of Oklahoma

1.30-2-30 pm