The Naples Forum on Service 2021 – live

NFoS Day 3 Plenary 2 "Closing Sessions"

The last Plenary Session at the 7th Naples Forum on Service. Closing session.
Speaker online and at the Forum in Capri – Villa Orlandi: Steve Vargo, Jaqueline Pels, Suvi Nenonen, Kaj Storbacka, Cristina Mele, Francesco Polese.

NFoS Day 2 Plenary 2 "Service research priorities" & "Corporate Digital Responsibility..."

The fourth Plenary Session at the 7th Naples Forum on Service. Presentation about “Service research priorities" by Anders Gustafsson and about “Corporate Digital Responsibility at the Dawn of the Digital Service Revolution" by Jochen Wirtz, Werner Kunz, Nicole Hartley, James Tarbit.

NFoS Day 2 Plenary 1 "Reflections on Emergence in marketing"

The fifth Plenary Session at the 7th Naples Forum on Service. Stephen Vargo, Hans Kjellberg, Kaisa Koskela-Huotari, Suvi Nenonen, Linda Peters, Debora Sarno, Claudia Vaughan discuss about “Reflections on Emergence in marketing".

NFoS Day 1 Plenary 3 "Competing on Experience: Choosing between Frictionless and Memorable"

The third Plenary Session at the 7th Naples Forum on Service.
Timothy L. Keiningham and Lerzan Aksoy discuss the topics “Competing on Experience: Choosing between Frictionless and Memorable".

NFoS Day 1 Plenary 2 "Change of Era - Era of Changes"

The second Plenary Session at the 7th Naples Forum on Service. Jaqueline Pels speaches about the interesting topic “Change of Era – Era of Changes".

NFoS Day 1 Plenary 1 - "Opening Session"

The first Plenary Session at the 7th Naples Forum on Service. Opening session with Evert Gummeson, Cristina Mele and Francesco Polese. Then an interesting speach by Steve Vargo.